Body Confidence During Pregnancy and Swimsuits
The summer can be an intimidating time for anyone. It means showing more skin than you normally do and if you have body confidence issues it can be daunting. For the last ten years, I've lead the lifestyle of being conscientious of what I ate and the amount of exercise I get. Pregnancy and gaining weight was never on my mind during this time. Why would it be? Then the scale crept up month after month. The summer came fast and I was not fitting into my pre-pregnancy clothes. I started to get invites to pool parties, resort stays and swimwear campaigns. I thought to myself, why am I having these hang ups now? I've always loved the body I was given and worked hard all these years to maintain it. Pregnancy is temporary and it's a time in a woman's life that we have to be proud of. I have a little miracle growing inside me and I feel blessed everyday that I am able to bear a child.
Feeling stylish is important to me so when I found out that my favorite retailer, Boohoo, carried maternity swimwear I jumped on checking out their styles. I've styled a few here on the blog. Enjoy!


Swimwear: c/o Boohoo
Earrings: c/o Charming Charlie's